Team VISION Bulgaria will present the advantages of the CRM systems during the “Business and IT. New opportunities” seminar

Team VISION Bulgaria will take part in the upcoming seminar “Business and IT. New opportunities” which is to take place on 30th, November 2016 in Burgas.
The event will introduce the business to the investment opportunities in Burgas and the region as well as the most popular technologies and the latest trends in the field of the business software such as ERP, CRM and BI.
As partner to the ERP Academy and one of the leading companies in the field of business management software, Team VISION Bulgaria was invited to introduce the participating managers, members of the local administration, branch chambers, business organizations and students with the specifics of the CRM systems and their key importance to the business in today’s customer-driven market.
During the practical part of the seminar in the afternoon the attending business representatives will have the opportunity to address their questions to our colleague Anastas Shopov, Business consulting manager, and receive valuable advice on real business cases.
The event will take place in the Burgas Free University in two parts starting respectively from 9.30 and 13.30. The event is free after registration: