European Funding Programs

Did you know you can use European funding to implement ERP, CRM and BI solutions in your company? Do not miss the opportunity to give your business a powerful boost.
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European funding programs for your business

The implementation of cutting-edge business management solutions in your organization is also possible through grants from the EU funds.

Team VISION Bulgaria is ready to assist you in choosing the right solution and applying for European funding.

Active procedures

Application term: 16 September 2024

The main objective of this procedure is to support the digital transformation and optimization of operational processes in micro and small family-owned companies and companies in the field of crafts and creative industries in order to increase their capacity, achieve better competitiveness and active market presence.

Who is the procedure for:

Bulgarian micro and small companies who work in the field of creative industries or crafts, as well as family-owned companies that are owned by more than one member of a family. Companies must be registered no later than 31.12.2021 and have net sales revenue for the for the last 3 financial years as follows:

Enterprise categoryTotal Net sales revenue for 2021, 2022 and 2023
Micro Enterprisefrom 30 000 to 1 800 000 BGN
Small Enterprisefrom 75 000 to 7 200 000 BGN

Eligible project activities for funding:

  • Improving the production capacity of family-owned businesses and companies in the field of the creative industries and crafts (obligatory activity) through the acquisition of tangible and intangible fixed assets, tools and equipment;
  • Improving the market performance of family-owned businesses and companies in the field of the creative industries and crafts by creating an online store;
  • Implementation of ICT systems to improve management, production and logistics processes:
    • Resource Management System (ERP System)
    • Customer Relationship Management System (CRM System)
    • Business Intelligence System
    • Supply chain management system/module
    • Warehouse management system/module (WMS system/module)
    • Production management system/module (MOM/MES system/module)

Grant amount: from BGN 15,000 to BGN 150,000.

Maximum aid intensity: up to 75% for family-owned businesses and businesses in the creative industries and up to 85% for businesses in the field of crafts


Total budget of the procedure: BGN 117 514 155 divided as follows:

  • for Family-owned businesses and companies from the creative industries – BGN 111,514,155
  • for Companies in the field of crafts – BGN 6,000,000.

Want to know more of our software solutions and how you can fund them?

We will gladly demonstrate their capabilities and discus ways in which the solutions will help your business excel.