Team VISION Bulgaria and 11235 Ltd. organized the first Customer Analytics Forum in Bulgaria

First customer analytics forum

On the 26th of February 2015 Grand Hotel Sofia hosted the first Customer Analytics Forum (CAF). CAF was dedicated to the innovative area in the world of Business Intelligence – the predictive analysis.

The event was joint initiative of two leading consulting companies – Team VISION Bulgaria and 11235 Ltd., with the intention to make it an annual tradition.

The topic appeared to be of real interest to the mass audience, but mainly to the financial and insurance institutions.

The participants of the event were over 50, representing 33 companies in the area of finances and insurance, FMG traders, logistics, digital services, car dealers, suppliers of industrial and construction techniques and others. Each of the companies was attracted by the idea to learn how the predictive analysis of customer’s behavior could be effectively used in their business.

In the first part of the day, event sponsors presented their vision about how combining CRM with customer behavior modelling and business analysis software could improve the efficiency of marketing campaigns and optimize sales team efforts.

Highlights of the presentations were:

  • Customer Analytics Index – What is this?
  • Essence and benefits of the Analytic CRM /ACRM.
  • CRM system and the social networks – how to control the customers behavior in the social networks.
  • Easy and fast analysis for everyone.

During the second part of the conference, more information was provided about real projects and case studies, related to big data analysis and problem solving via data analysis models and tools. Guest speakers were: Hristo Evtimov (Allianz), Svetlana Georgieva (LD), Maria Tolchkova and Boryana Boeva (UniCredit Consumer Facilities)

The event was closed with a lottery, where some participants won thematic prizes.

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