Tableau 10.5 will allow for an even faster and more informative visual analyses

Even in the very last months of the year the team behind the leading BI software Tableau continues to add new and exciting functionalities which further improve and enrich the solution and guarantee its top spot as a preferred customers choice for business analyses. Soon we will welcome the new Tableau 10.5 and with it numerous important new features which will make working with data even easier, faster and more interactive.
Performance at high speed with the new Hyper functionality
The new Hyper technology is the main focus in the upcoming version. Hyper will make processing of huge amounts of information significantly faster and allow for instantaneous extraction of data, reports update and the opportunity to answer even the most data-demanding questions in real time. In today’s dynamic business environment even the slightest delay can be rather costly, so the Tableau team have focused their efforts in providing 360-degree view over the state of the business in real time and transforming that information into valuable insights, knowledge and well-grounded decisions.
Viz in Tooltip for an even more detailed visual analyses
Speed is not the only improvement Tableau 10.5 will grant users with. The new version will allow them to reach new levels of interactivity, depth of analysis and ease when working with data. The Viz in tooltip functionality will allow users to include much more information in their visualizations in an elegant and useful manner. The functionality lets users add predefined additional information which is displayed at mouse-hoover.
Share your findings fast and easy
Tableau has always encouraged data sharing and the transformation of analyses into corporate culture that is embedded in the core business processes of the organization at all levels. Now sharing data and visualizations becomes even easier. With a simple click, anyone can subscribe entire groups of colleagues or contractors for their visual analyses. The alerts by which Tableau warns subscribers of any changes or identified trends in the data can now include a detailed description and additional information. In that way, even those unfamiliar with the topic will be able to immediately navigate in reports and analyses and make the most of the available data.
Tableau Server finally under Linux
Tableau 10.5 will also introduce another long-awaited update – it will soon be possible to install Tableau Server under Linux OS. This will help organizations combine all the benefits of a leading BI solution with the flexibility and security that the open source Linux OS is known for.
If you are eager to get acquainted with Tableau 10, you can test it completely free and if you want to learn more about business intelligence and how it would be applicable to your business, do not hesitate to contact us.