LD OOD is a German-Bulgarian company established in 1993 as a dealer of German and Italian machine manufacturers.


LD OOD is a German-Bulgarian company established in 1993 as a dealer of German and Italian machine manufacturers.

The company offers a full range of machines and machine components with offices and warehouses in Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Ruse, and Pleven.

Excellently trained specialists in various fields competently advise LD’s customers in choosing the best solution for their business, offer optimal maintenance service and provide warranty and post-warranty service and repair.

Main challenges to the implementation of ERP solution

The implementation process started in 2001 and was faced with the following challenges:

  • Large number of items and requirements for minimal amounts from each item on store
  • Management of a large client base and conducting of various marketing activities
  • The business activities are carried out by different unrelated centers
  • Requirements towards full accountability of sales and what-if analyses

As part of the project the following modules were implemented: accounting module, fixed assets, financial management, sales and purchases, deliveries, receivables and payables, warehouse module and CRM module. The ERP system was upgraded twice – in 2007 and 2013. During the second upgrade Team VISION Bulgaria also conducted an implementation of Microsoft Dynamics CRM and the BI software Tableau. The two new systems were fully integrated with NAV.

The so called Role Tailored Client, part of the Dynamics NAV 2013 update, allows for different interface to be designed for each user depending on their role and results in maximal facilitation of their interactions with the system.

Actual benefits from the implementation of ERP, CRM and BI solutions in LD:

  • LD achieved full control over relations with customers and the work of the sales teams
  • Complete information about sales and opportunity to conduct detailed and in-depth forecasts
  • Optimization of stocks