Information Services AD

With the help of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Information Services AD achieves complete financial control over its business and efficient planning and management of resources in all departments, while having detailed and accurate information that enhances the quality of management decisions.

Information Services AD

With the help of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Information Services AD achieves complete financial control over its business and efficient planning and management of resources in all departments, while having detailed and accurate information that enhances the quality of management decisions.
Information Services AD is one of the largest ICT companies in Bulgaria and a major partner of public administration in the implementation of key IT projects related to information technology and security of key state and municipal structures.

The company’s team includes over 300 highly qualified programmers, communication specialists, system administrators and service engineers, distributed in a branch structure covering all regional cities in Bulgaria.

The large scale of the company’s operations and the need to constantly increase the efficiency of managing its financial, human and material resources, predetermined the decision to implement an integrated business management system to centralize and automate the ongoing business processes.

Implementation challenges:

The main challenges of the project were both the scale of the client’s operations and the needed integration between the ERP system and several other pre-existing software solutions.

Scope of the implemented ERP solution:

As part of the project Team VISION Bulgaria implemented both standard ERP functionalities as well as specialized modules, developed by us to support the client’s specific business processes, among those:

  • Accounting
  • Monthly closing and distribution of costs
  • Budgeting and Financial analysis
  • Human resources management
  • Management of sales and purchases
  • Warehousing – management of tangible assets by quantity and value
  • Project management

Actual benefits for the client:

  • Thanks to the implemented ERP solution, Information Services now has the ability to manage as efficiently as possible all processes related to accounting, stock management, management of budgets of units and projects, as well as cash flow management in the company.
  • Microsoft Dynamics NAV helps for the optimal monitoring, management and reporting of the clients many contracts and projects on every stage of their execution. The “Monthly closing and costs distribution” module, developed by Team VISION Bulgaria helps Information Services gain complete and reliable information about the full cost and profits made in the different business directions.
  • The specific “Human resource management” module, also developed by Team VISION Bulgaria, helps the company manage all activities regarding its most valuable asset – its human capital.

The implemented ERP solution helps Information services achieve overall financial control and more efficient planning and management of resources in all its branches while receiving detailed and reliable information, which enhances the quality of the management decisions.